Company Background:
7dream.Com which was founded in 2000
and is based in Tokyo owns and operates an e-
business Web portal. The company is under
Seven-Eleven Japan which is a reputable
convenience chain stores. It was the biggest B2C e-commerce
website in Japan.
How does 7 define and differentiates its offerings from its physical store?
7 provides
service based on technical expertise and industry
The major from of product and service in 7 dream is click
and mortar. Customer can
make orders in 7 and pick up from 7-eleven
There are 8 main products and services in 7 which are travel, music, photographs,
merchandise, gifts and mobile phones, tickets, books, car-related items and information
7 offer several benefits to consumer via the system
7 has low handling cost and less processing time.
Also, the shipping and handling charged in 7 is significantly lower when comparing with other e-commerce companies.
It is more convenient as customer cam just pick up your staff in your neighborhood after ordering online
7-eleven Inc can gain some advantages through the model of 7
The shipping cost is lower because 7-eleven has already making deliveries to 7-eleven stores. That makes the additional cost minimal.
There is low or even no inventory and warehousing cost as 7 would be dealing with wholesalers directly.
make orders in 7 and pick up from 7-eleven
There are 8 main products and services in 7 which are travel, music, photographs,
merchandise, gifts and mobile phones, tickets, books, car-related items and information
7 offer several benefits to consumer via the system
7 has low handling cost and less processing time.
Also, the shipping and handling charged in 7 is significantly lower when comparing with other e-commerce companies.
It is more convenient as customer cam just pick up your staff in your neighborhood after ordering online
7-eleven Inc can gain some advantages through the model of 7
The shipping cost is lower because 7-eleven has already making deliveries to 7-eleven stores. That makes the additional cost minimal.
There is low or even no inventory and warehousing cost as 7 would be dealing with wholesalers directly.
Physical store
l More than 8000
convenience stores
l Food,drinks,
cosmetic, Daily necessities, Newspaper and magazines, Cigarette
l Touchable products and easy to handle
l Offer service
in 8 areas
l Travel, music,
photographs, merchandise, gift and mobile phone, tickets, books, car related
items and information
Target market
l Mainly young
people from teens to thirties
l The generation
that had taken to the Internet most enthusiastically
Pay for their
purchase by cash or credit card
l Pay for their
online purchase at 7-eleven store
l Pay utility
Rental cost
l Obtain the goods directly from the
warehouse of suppliers
Delivery system
Allow get real product by face to face
Choose to delivery to their home or other delivery address or pick up
at a 7-Eleven store
Low delivery charge for customer
What is the role of Japan Government
1) The Japan Government
can be promoter of E-commerce.
It deregulated
stock commissions in 1999 and enable consumers to start trading via the Internet.
It also changes
the buying behavior of consumers.
The Government Introduced
competition into the telecommunications industry by splitting Nippon Telephone
& Telegraph into 3 companies which boosts the development of the
Moreover, it develop
a common platform to work for the realization and expansion of e-commerce
Through MITI,
the Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM) was established in
January 1996
the US
government demanded that Nippon Telephone & Telegraph lower access fees by
22.5 per cent over a two-year period starting from 2002, and ultimately by more
than 40 per cent.
The Japan
government insisted that the reduction be limited to 22.5 per cent over a
four-year period instead
2) Market
Coordinator is another role of the
The Japan
Government actively intervened in markets to promote producers' interests.
For example, it
was illegal for retailers and e-tailers based in Japan to sell music CDs at a
discount because of a law that protected copyright holders.
What is the Major Obstacles to e-commerce in
1) Local Culture
Japan had
traditionally been a cash-based society. Japanese people have their own payment
habit. It is usual to see
salaries paid in bank notes and about
90 per cent of all mail-order sales were paid for with cash-on-delivery or by
bank transfer
2) Buying habit
People living in
Japan purchase necessities in a small amount frequently
3) Fear of information leakage
citizens have traditional mindset that credit card information will be
stolen by hackers
4) End-fulfillment of On-line Orders
Some Japanese
people may not at home during the time to receive parcels they had ordered
They doubtful
about receiving their parcels from on-line stores, either due to mailing errors
or non-fulfillment on the part of the stores
They also prefer
a tangible touch and evaluate of the online products.
5) Government Regulation
The Japanese
Government had regulated companies severely in the e-commerce industry,
essentially strangling the growth of online transactions. It was also difficult
for the consumer to browse internet.
6) Low Penetration Rate of Personal Computers and Expensive Connection
The number of
homes with personal computers in Japan was considered low.
According to e-Marketer,
the penetration rate of personal computers in Japan was only about 20 per cent
as opposed to 41 per cent in the US.
And the world's
highest combined telecommunication and ISP fees
7) Limited space
Many Japanese
homes were tiny and had no space to accommodate a personal computer.
Also, Japanese
found it difficult to store an online bulk purchase.
They usually do
not have a large refrigerator or storage space.
8) High
Accessibility of Convenience Store
It is easy for Japaneses to access to the nearby stores as there were more than 8000 convenience stores
in Japan.
9) Literacy Rates
The growth of B2C e-commerce was slow compared to
other G7 countries.
Also,low education level of Japanese may find it
hard to purchase online
What is the Internal and External success factors of 7 dream?
Internal success
!) Wide range of
business content
Online offer
service in 8 areas which are travel, music,
photographs, merchandise, gift
and mobile phone, tickets, books, car related
items and information
The products to
be offered on 7 would not be sold in convenience stores
of limited space.
distribution network
Orders are
received from the internet and most of good ordered can be taken by the
customers or their friend with a receipt in a specific store.
With the
delivery system which was already in place, orders on 7 would
only be charged a minimal cost and it is
lower than the shipping and handling charges by other e-commerce companies.
3)Application of
information technology
(POS) systems will regularly updated for
efficiency in the store.
inventory allowing the company to have a better resource allocation and
planning sell-out
schedules, shelf-stocking methods, weather, and local events.
There is highly
responsive to consumers’ shifting demand.If the weather
is predicted to be bad, the company will put out the umbrellas near sales
IT system
centralizes the communication among all stores by delivering products that
require the same temperature range together, reducing the number of daily
delivery trucks from 70 to 10 in 1975.
Fifth-generation total information system
Link all
7-eleven stores via satellite
Transmit large
volume of information and high speed
Have superior
information- processing capability
keep inventories at efficient level
External success factor
improved & new products
There is a new trend for e-shopping. The appearance of Debit cards and Smart card enhance the convenience of using e-cash.
Also, Japanese people start to enjoy
home delivery service
2)Wireless devices
Internet mobile
services was on the rise. it can promote e-commerce
3)Planning to
utilize other channels to promote
E.g. Digital
broadcasting ,TV and magazine