2014年2月24日 星期一

Company Visit: Hactl

Date: 24 February,2014


Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals(Hactl), one of the leading air cargo terminal operator in the world, located at the HK International Airport. It has operated cargo logistics nearly 40 years since 1976, mainly supporting the import, export and transshipment of air cargo in Hong Kong. Under their terminal, there are 3500 Container Storage System positions (CSS) and 10000 Box Storage System positions. Up to  3.5 million tonnes of air cargo can be handled every year. Their SuperTerminal 1 is the single largest multi-level air cargo terminal in the world.

Beside the scale of the company, Hactl has many competitive advantage in cargo logistic business. They recognize the importance of talented so they put a lot of resource for training and retaining their best employees. In fact, most of their employees work for Hactl more than 10 years, which can provide a stable and high quality service to their customers. Also, they have their own innovative technology - COSAC-Plus, which can assist the company to work more efficient and effective, such as enhance the accurate of information sharing, cargo tracking etc. According to Hactl, more than 3500 users and more than one million transactions is handled my this innovative technology.

According to our visit guide, with their largest customer, Cathay Pacific Airways, began operating their own new cargo logistic business, Hactl lose nearly 30% of their business. Before the lose of the business, Hactl handled 80% of HK cargo business. However, they are still optimistic for their future since they have more capacity and resource for the new business in new market share. They also think that they can keep the competitive advantage by delivering goods from HK International Airport to China in truck service, Hacis.

Visit Record:
On 24 February,2014, five of our groupmates, Ivy, Christy, Alex, Ivan and Tommy were represented to visit the Hactl terminal in Hong Kong International Airport.

Model of the Hactl SuperTerminal 1.

During the visit, we can directly see the advanced technology of Hactl, for example, the automatic machine to transfer the cargo inside the terminal; the professional packing in order to maximize the usage of the capacity of the plane.

The automatic machine to transfer the cargo

The company do their best for the environmental friendly issue. Most of their vehicles are designed in environmental friendly. The fuel of the vehicles is biodegradable and electricity which can reduce the air pollution. By using the recyclable and reusable material for packaging and using e-fight instead of paper for recording the things, the company can reduce the waste.

Upper Left figure: electricity car charger;
Bottom Left figure: electricity car; 

Right figure: shovel loader using biodegradable fuel

Under Hactl management, packaging and storage are one of the professional procedures for their customer. All the employees work for packaging are trained to deal with the dangerous goods and maximize the usage of the plane capacity. More than 1000 CCTV are installed inside the terminal for the security purpose with 24 hrs security center so customers do not need to worried for their goods. All the goods need to send to the x-ray check before transfer to plane. For some good with the special storage requirement, Hactl can provide the large space in express center, the temperature control or horse house for delivering the horse etc.

In future, the infrastructure in Hong Kong will also increase the demand of cargo logistic, especially the third airport runway and Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge would expand the market share of Hong Kong cargo logistic. In addition, with the increasing demand, Hactl still think optimistic of their business.

Reflection of Hactl visit:
This is the first time for us to visit the real working factory of the company in workshop. It is an amazing experience since we can explore the high technology level machine work automatically in a short distance. Also, it is a precious moment to explore the working flow of the air cargo logistic since we do not have many time to use the air cargo service. In short, we can learn the things that we cannot imagine before in this half an hour visit, this is an efficient and effective learning.

