Learning Reflection
the course we studied the case about TAL using VMI and made-to-measure to gain
competitive advantage, seven-eleven and FedEx successful in its industry with
the advanced technology. Those case studies would be discussed in the lessons
can help us to have deeply understanding of the company and how to apply some
logistics and supply chain knowledge in the business practice. The in-class
discussion also gives us chance to search the information about companies in
the web sites. Also lecturer can consolidate our knowledge on logistics supply
chain management and concept. It is very useful for us to have a review of
three years logistics learnings.
the company visits include TAL, HACTL, Kerry, Yakult and HIT can make us know
more about the logistics supply chain management. I learned that how company
can build up a long term relationship and provide confidence to their customers
by using business strategy and avoid unhappy from their customers. It is worth
for us to have a visit since we cannot go to those company to have a sharing
and discussion session with the employers in order to have better understanding
in real business environment. They shows how using value-adding activities to
gain the market share and even competitive advantage against other competitors
and how they using their innovation and technology and computer systems to
influence the supply chain management.
we studied the case about before the visit such as TAL. We can get more
information about the TAL before the visit. In the discussion and presentation
in the lessons, we used the summarizing skill when we read the notes of case
study, so we can conclude and pointed out the important information in the
notes before the visit. We search for the news related to TAL in the internet.
During the visit, we are thinking the critical point in the presentation in the
visit and then ask the following questions to the representatives. It is
valuable for all of us to discuss the case though the in-class activities. So I
strongly recommend having case studies before the company visits and discussing
during the lessons.
For the personal reflection, I shared
what I feel and learnt in the visit to the other MS department student since it
is a great experience to learn about how a company can gain their competitive
advantage through IT in such a keen competitive industry. So I very enjoy in
participate in the in-class and outsides activities in this course.