Reflection on the past 13 weeks
workshop learning
By Ivan NGAI Chun Hung (52586890)
By Ivan NGAI Chun Hung (52586890)
my opinion, I appreciate for the design and learning objective of this course.
I really enjoy and attend all workshops and I did not miss any chance of visit!
the classroom, we meet a challenge that we need to prepare the presentation in
20 minutes for the case study and the visit company. This is a great experience
for us to learn how to handle the “urgent presentation”. Actually, in last
month, I had some graduated job interview which required me to do the
presentation about their companies with 30 minutes preparation only. Without
the training in this course, I think I cannot present the idea in short time
limited. However, I think the interaction of the presentation and discussion is
not enough. If it is possible, I suggest that the class can do some group
discussion with others about the disputed topic in supply chain industrial
(such as how Hactl changes their strategy after Cathay Pacific does not use
their service or how Yakult can improve their supply chain management in Hong
Kong etc.)
the classroom, the most impressive visit for me is Kerry Logistic Company. The
trainees shared us a lot of details about the operation of the company during
the presentation. This is a valuable chance for us to have an in-depth learning
in logistic company. They also guide us to travel around the warehouse of
Disneyland. Without this workshop, I never know how a large company to use the
barcode and technology to manage millions of products methodically. Although
some logical theories are mentioned in the university lecture, there are some
differences between your imagination from your notes and in the real world.
Most importantly, the two hour visit helps us to build a strong logic flow
about the logistic industry.
the workload of this course, since there is no quiz or exam, I think it is
acceptable. However, I suggest that the word requirement of each post-visit
report can be shorten to about 600~800 words but each student is required to
hand in at least three reports for the visit. This is because I have different
reflection on different visit, however, if the report is too long, I can just
report what the guider told us word by word without any critical thinking. In
addition, our blog record those visit well so it is meaningless for us to do it
once again.